Ghosting Gimmicks: Refocusing Esthetician Marketing on Authenticity

Esthetician waxing a leg with red wax

In the field of esthetician marketing and spa marketing, it’s all too easy to become ensnared by the allure of flashy "growth hacks" promising quick results. Yet, it’s time to veer away from these fleeting illusions and center our attention on what genuinely matters: authenticity and forging meaningful connections.

Let’s leave these growth hacks behind:

🚫 Buying Followers: Authentic relationships surpass mere numbers any day.

🚫 Overdoing Hashtags: Quality prevails over quantity—keep it relevant and avoid spam. Aim for 3-8 hashtags per post.

🚫 Ignoring Your Insights: Your analytics are invaluable. Pay heed to what they reveal.

🚫 Inconsistent Posts: Trust is cultivated through consistent presence. Keep showing up for your audience.

🚫 Silent Treatment: Engage, converse, connect. Remember, you’re fostering communities, not just profiles.

🚫 Bot Overload: Maintain the 'social' in social media. Genuine interaction trumps automated responses every time.

🚫 Story Shyness: Embrace your authentic self. Unfiltered genuineness resonates with your audience.

🚫 One-Size-Fits-All: Tailor your content for each platform. What resonates on Instagram may not translate well on LinkedIn.

🚫 Trend Chasing: Stay loyal to your brand’s voice. Authenticity will always outlast passing trends.

You’re already well-versed in marketing. What might pose a challenge is refining your sales strategies and adapting your perspective on sales to seamlessly drive sales every day. Remember, while sales and marketing may run parallel, they necessitate distinct approaches.

Want to work together to grow your community into an engaged following ready to buy? Click here to learn how to work with me!


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