Stop Sabotaging Your Emails!

hands typing on a computer

Hey esti, are you unknowingly sabotaging your emails? Estheticians everywhere should be using email marketing as a key spa or esthetician marketing channel. It is honestly the only form of contact you have with your community that you own. What would you do if Instagram shut down tomorrow? A scary thought but it could happen.

Here are tips to keep your email community engaged. 

šŸ‘‰ Not using the first name tag. Do you know when you get an email and it says "Hi insert your first name" they are using a first name tag. That little piece of code allows for the first name of every contact to appear after "Hi". Not only does addressing your subscribers by their first name increase the personal factor of your email but it can also reduce the chance of your email going into their spam inbox. Use the tag!

šŸ‘‰ Just like your socials you need to show up consistently in your subscriber's email box. Pick a strategy that works for YOU and stick to it. It could be 1x a week, 1x a month, or even 4x a year. While I think 4x is good 1x a month is better than an inconsistent schedule.

šŸ‘‰ Not purging your list. Say you have 1k subscribers on your list but 250 haven't opened any of your campaigns in the last 6 months. They are dragging down your open rate signaling that your emails are not of good quality. This increases the chance they may end up in the junk inbox of your subscribers. Just like with social media it's all about quality over quantity. Segment off those who haven't opened your email and ask them if they want to stay on your list. If not then remove them.

šŸ‘‰ Using a super formal tone. There is nothing odder than being super comfortable with a brand over social and then seeing their emails and you feel like they are written by a totally different person. Your brands' voice continues to your emails as well.

I hope you find value in this post! Want to work with me? Click here to see how I can help you grow! 


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