Unlocking Success: Embracing Availability for Spa and Esthetician Marketing

Esthetician doing a facial massage

Does the thought of sharing your availability make you cringe? I mean it'll seem so desperate, won't it?? Ummm no it absolutely will not!

I get it, the thought of posting your availability on Instagram stories might make you feel a little uncomfy. "Will I look desperate?" is a question that might be dancing in your mind. But here's the thing - it's time to flip the script on that fear.

Your community members ( remember they aren't just followers but part of your community!) are busy! They have family, friends, kids, workout classes, work drama, and TV drama cramming into their minds on a daily basis. When you share your availability they are probably thinking, "Wow, she just saved me 5 min of looking on her calendar to see if I can fit a facial in next week."

That’s not desperation; that’s service. 

Sharing your availability isn't just about filling your books; it's about inviting your community to invest in their well-being through the skincare magic you provide. It’s a nudge to remind them, “Hey, I’m here, ready to make your day brighter.”

Remember, your community follows you because they love what you do and they trust your expertise. When you show up authentically, sharing bits of your world (yes, including those open slots), you’re not shouting into the void. You’re speaking directly to those who are already tuned into your frequency, waiting for a sign to book their next session.

Let your followers know when you have a spot open to transform their skin. It’s not about being desperate; it’s about being available and enthusiastic to serve.

For more esthetician marketing ideas and spa marketing strategies, to gracefully share your world and boost those bookings, I’ve got something special for you. Dive into my Free Masterclass where Elizabeth Donat, the renowned Spa Educator, and I unveil the 6 Spa Sales Secrets every esthetician and spa owner should know.
It's packed with insights designed to elevate your game and fill your calendar without the fear. Click here to watch.


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