Mastering Esthetician and Spa Marketing: 6 Secrets to Amplify Sales with Social Media and Treatment Room Tactics - Free Masterclass!"

No B.S Sales Secrets Every Esthetician and Spa owner needs to know

I'm so excited to announce this amazing free masterclass!

You've mastered the art of skincare, transforming your clients' experiences with each treatment. Yet, there's a piece of the puzzle that often feels just out of reach ā€“ turning your marketing efforts into tangible sales.

It's a common thread among many talented estheticians I speak with. Your expertise in skincare is unmatched, but when it comes to the skill of sales, it's like navigating uncharted waters.

Do any of these scenarios sound familiar?

The Silent Treatment Room: You've just given a client the best facial of their life, but when you recommend products for home care, the room falls silent. Sales isn't about persuasion; it's about communication.

Social Media Echo: Your posts are getting likes and shares, but your DMs are quiet, and your booking link remains untouched. A strong social presence is vital, but how does it translate to bookings?

The Discount Dilemma: You find yourself relying on discounts to entice bookings. While offers can boost traffic, they shouldn't be the only way clients walk through your door.

In your journey to become an Esthetician, the focus was on perfecting your service, not necessarily on the art of selling those services. And yet, the ability to guide clients from the 'maybe' zone to confidently booking their next appointment is crucial.

I've partnered with the esteemed Esthetician and Spa Educator, Elizabeth Donat to create a free masterclass sharing the 6 secrets every Esthetician and Spa Owner needs to know to make more sales through social media AND in the treatment room! Click here to watch.


Boost Your Esthetician Marketing: Collaborative Instagram Story Takeovers with Spa Owners for Enhanced Content and Spa Marketing 


Unlocking Success: Embracing Availability for Esthetician Marketing and Spa Marketing